Terms & Conditions
Updated July 5, 2024
After scheduling and paying for your appointment a reminder will be emailed to the email address given to us when booking. Please also make note of your appointment on your own calendar.
Upon scheduling, you will receive a computer generated confirmation that we will need for you to confirm by emailing us back and letting us know if you will be choosing to use either Facetime or Skype for your remote session with RJ. Please provide all needed contact information for the utilization of either or both FaceTime or Skype.
RJ will be waiting for your call at your scheduled appointment time. He will not be on sooner or later unless instructed by the schedule coordinator.
We require 48 hours notice in advance for all cancellations otherwise you will not be refunded if you miss your appointment. Full Refunds minus any transaction fees on a single session are available up to 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment with email or voicemail notice. If you miss your scheduled appointment and you have a package we will use the session in your package for the missed appointment. All packages, Programs and upcoming live online courses once purchased are non refundable.
The content/ material of Ascend The Frequencies LLC and any part of what RJ Spina shares through webcasts, online programs, in person and remote appointments, events, Lectures, teachings, protocals, energetic healing, blogs & articles,newsletters, videos, etc., is offered as informational tools to advance the process of higher consciousness and greater awareness.
Ascend The frequencies LLC’s website content may not by copied, reproduced, rebroadcasted, recorded, transcribed, downloaded, disseminated or distributed/ sold in any way, in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent from RJ Spina / Ascend The Frequencies LLC. You further agree not to display or use in any manner any materials or marks, without express prior written permission from RJ Spina owner of Ascend The Frequencies LLC
Any unauthorized use of the materials in the site is prohibited. You agree to abide by any and all additional trademark and copyright signs, notices, information or restrictions contained in any part of the site. Information provided though www.ascendthefrequencies.com is for general informational purposes only and is not intended or implied to serve as medical or therapeutic advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health issues, illnesses or diseases. Ascend The Frequencies does not providing any medical or therapeutic advice. If you have or suspect you have a health or therapeutic problem, you should consult with your doctor or therapist. By accessing or using www.ascendthefrequencies.com, you represent and warrant that your activities are lawful in every jurisdiction where you access or use the site.
Ascend The Frequencies LLC & Supercharged Self-Healing LLC Informed Consent to Treat for Personal Energy Consultations and Programs
Creating harmonious energy fields provide an alignment, personal empowerment and renewed and increased energy or life force. When we experience aligned, energetic integrity we are able to create and manifest what we desire in our lives. When our mental, physical, emotional or spiritual bodies are out of alignment due to any trauma, emotional, physical, unresolved memories, environmental or food toxins, addictions, poor relationships or living an ungrounded, unconscious life, we lack the necessary vitality for life and can become physically ill, depressed, stuck and have difficulty creating a holistically harmonious life.
Both conscious and unconscious unresolved thoughts, fears, personal history, grievances, intentions, and belief systems as well as family, friends and societal belief structure and systems become imprinted into our subtle energy systems as well as physical body. This impacts how one feels and expresses oneself in the world. During personal or group sessions and/or classes, holistic techniques such as Meditation, Energy Healing, Reiki, Spiritual Counseling, Consciousness Exploration, advanced self-realization courses, etc. are presented to the client and applied to heal the subtle energy systems in support of healing the mind, body and spirit and the
raising of one’s awareness.
Personal sessions provide various sensations during and after a session depending upon the topic or issue covered. Clients may sometimes experience an increased flow of energy throughout their body and personal space creating an increased sense of well-being. As well, energy work may bring about the release of old emotions such as grief, sadness or anger as part of the healing process and may also bring forward outdated energetic patterns, including but not limited to, relationships with work, friends and family members. Clients often find it appropriate to relax right after a session and allow the integration of the energy work to continue. Drinking water and relaxing promotes the eradication of toxins and dis-harmonious energies, allowing the body/mind to integrate the energetic alterations.
Healing comes in many forms such as mental, emotional, physical and energetic. One may experience just one or any combination of these forms simultaneously, individually or chronologically. Some healing is instantaneous while others may manifest over time based upon the client’s receptivity, identifications with being sick and their life plan.
Ascend the Frequencies Liability Waiver and Release
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, I declare that am here to inspire my own personal transformation. I take personal responsibility for my well-being and with respect for myself I gratefully accept control of my choices. On behalf of myself and my successors, assigns, heirs, devisees, estate, and executors (collectively, Successors), and to the fullest extent permitted by law, I unconditionally and forever release, waive, covenant not to sue, agree to hold harmless, and discharge Ascend the Frequencies, LLC and its affiliates and subsidiaries, along with each of their officers, directors, employees, agents, and contractors (collectively, Released Parties), from all claims, judgments, costs, damages, losses, expenses, and liabilities, whether arising under a theory of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability, product liability, or any other theory, relating to any claim I may have now or in the future with respect to any death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, pecuniary or other loss, damage, cost, or expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees (collectively, Damages), that may be suffered by me or any third party as a result of my participation in the programs and events offered by Ascend the Frequencies, LLC.. I take full responsibility and am responsible for all liability for loss or injury incurred while in association with or applying energy techniques, exercises, protocols and information learned from RJ Spina and/or any of their associates or affiliates. Nothing RJ Spina shares is intended to be, nor should be construed as professional advice in the areas of medicine, psychology, or psychiatry. Individuals with such conditions are advised to consult licensed professionals. In consideration for being allowed to participate in the Activity, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, I agree as follows:
RJ Spina is a self-taught Master. The content/ material of Ascend the Frequencies LLC and any part of what RJ Spina shares through webcasts, online programs, in person and remote appointments, events, Courses, Lectures, teachings, protocols, energetic healing, blogs & articles, newsletters, videos, etc., is offered as informational tools to advance the process of higher consciousness and greater awareness.
I understand that my participation in the programs offered by Ascend the Frequencies, LLC is strictly voluntary and entirely at my own risk. I acknowledge that my consent to the terms set forth in this Agreement is material inducement for the Company to allow me to participate in its activities, and the Company would not do so in the absence of my consent as evidenced by my signature below.
I specifically understand that Ascend the Frequencies, LLC and the Released Parties are not insurers of my conduct, and I agree that this Agreement will prevent me and my Successors from bringing a lawsuit, claim, or other action against the Company and the Released Parties and from recovering any money damages, or other legal relief from the Company and the Released Parties in connection with any claims for Damages related to the Released Claims.
Ascend the frequencies LLC’s website content as well as what RJ shares via his communications with his clients may not by copied, reproduced, rebroadcasted, recorded, transcribed, retaught, downloaded, disseminated, or distributed/ sold in any way, in whole or in part, in person or online, without the express prior written consent from RJ Spina / Ascend the Frequencies LLC/ Supercharged Self-Healing LLC.
You further agree not to display or use in any manner any materials, teachings or marks, without express prior written permission from RJ Spina, owner of Ascend the Frequencies.com.
Due to the extensive time, effort, and energy that goes into creating and providing these products and services, I understand and agree there is a no refund policy. This includes live taught courses, pre-recorded courses,1-on-1 classes, packages, or appointments.
This Agreement should be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law. If any court of law finds any provision of this Agreement to be unenforceable in any respect, it is my intention and understanding that the court will nonetheless enforce this Agreement to the maximum legal extent. To the extent permitted by applicable law, I waive the benefit of any provisions of any statute or other law that might adversely affect the rights of the Company or the Released Parties under this Agreement. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Arkansas, without reference to its choice of law rules. I irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts located in Lonoke Arkansas, with respect to any Released Claims, and I agree not to commence or prosecute any claim in any other court or jurisdiction.
I affirm and I am in agreement and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. I certify that I have read this Agreement, that I fully understand its content, and that this Agreement cannot be modified orally. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract and that I am signing it of my own free will. I additionally consent to the use of electronic signature(s) to memorialize this Agreement.
Photograph & Video Release
I hereby grant permission to Ascend the Frequencies, LLC / RJ Spina the rights of my image, likeness and sound of my voice as recorded on audio, video or digital equipment without payment or any other consideration. I understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published, or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording. I also understand that this material may be used in diverse settings within an unrestricted geographic area.
I waive to the fullest extent permitted by law any causes of action in law or in equity I may have now or in the future against the Company or the Released Parties for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, copyright or trademark infringement, violation of the right of publicity, or false light arising out of or in connection with the Company’s or the Released Parties’ use of any Released Likeness. I agree that all aspects of any Released Likeness are owned by the Company and that the Company may copyright any material containing the Released Likeness. If I receive any copy of material containing the Released Likeness, I will not authorize its use by any other party.
Photographic, audio or video recordings may be used for the following purposes but not limited to:
Documentary Film / Short Film
Conference presentations
Educational presentations or courses Informational presentations
On-line educational courses
Educational videos or advertisements
Posted online (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., Ascend The Frequencies owned websites and its affiliates)
Material on the websites www.thenothoughtmovement.com/ www.ascendthefrequencies.com / www.rjspina.com / www.superchargedselfhealing.com www.ascendthefrequencies.academy
I freely agree to this release, and in doing so I understand this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings of me may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public educational setting.
There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.
This release applies to photographic, audio, written or video recordings collected in participation with Ascend the Frequencies LLC / RJ Spina/ Supercharged Self-Healing LLC.
This Agreement should be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law. If any court of law finds any provision of this Agreement to be unenforceable in any respect, it is my intention and understanding that the court will nonetheless enforce this Agreement to the maximum legal extent. To the extent permitted by applicable law, I waive the benefit of any provisions of any statute or other law that might adversely affect the rights of the Company or the Released Parties under this Agreement. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Arkansas, without reference to its choice of law rules. I irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts located in Lonoke Arkansas, with respect to any Released Claims, and I agree not to commence or prosecute any claim in any other court or jurisdiction.
I affirm that I am freely in agreement and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. I certify that I have read this Agreement, that I fully understand its content, and that this Agreement cannot be modified orally. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract and that I am signing it of my own free will. I additionally consent to the use of electronic signature(s) to memorialize this Agreement.
Cancellation and Refunds
All programs classes and courses, pre-recorded or live, are non-refundable. This includes partial payments, payment plans, payment plans that are not fully paid, down-payments, payments for additional services including distant healings, merchandise, Merlin’s Round Tables, etc.
Community Terms for Online Participation
The following are terms and conditions for live and pre-recorded programs when communicating with RJ, the Ascend the Frequencies team, technical support, online group moderators, and your fellow peers.
I understand and agree that it is solely my responsibility to know and/or learn as needed basic navigation of the Ascend The Frequencies Academy and Zoom platform. The Ascend the Frequencies team is not responsible for participant accounts or passwords on the Zoom platform. For technical support with Ascend The Frequencies Academy or for general questions, please contact academy@ascendthefrequencies.com.
When contacting team support for technical assistance, scheduling or otherwise, your inquiry will be answered in the order received. Practice patience and communicate with respect. We are a small team on a big mission. If you don’t hear back from us within 48 hours, you may forward your email to us again. Messaging multiple times within an hour, typing in all capital letters for emphasis, demanding ‘immediate’ or help ‘ASAP!’ will not be tolerated. Do not message RJ on social media with technical support questions. Do not comment on Zoom, YouTube, or other social media platforms seeking technical assistance. Email team support at academy@ascendthefrequencies.com for general questions, technical assistance, or for other inquiries. This email address is dedicated solely to students.
When interacting online in the Ascend The Frequencies Academy, any Facebook groups, live Zoom calls, or other online platform, I agree to abide by the following terms:
Be Kind and Courteous: We are all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with kindness and respect.
No Spam or Self-Promotion: Self-promotional links or links to unknown websites are not allowed.
Respect Everyone’s Privacy: Participating in this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What is shared in this group, online, and via zoom must be kept private.
No Foul Language or Imagery: This group and its comments are to remain centered around (true) self-development. Keep it this way.
Report Suspicious Behavior or Harassment: Spamming members with unwanted messages, emails, sending links to unknown websites or otherwise is strictly prohibited. If this is happening to you, report it to the team.
I understand that violation of any of these terms may result in removal from any and all programs altogether without warning or refund.
I understand that RJ Spina/ Ascend the Frequencies LLC/ Supercharged Self-Healing LLC / associates cannot and do not guarantee that I will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial, or otherwise, through the use of their teachings, services, and communication. I understand that results differ for each individual, and I am strictly responsible for my own results.
I understand all information and instruction in this live program is proprietary and sole property of RJ Spina/ Ascend the Frequencies LLC/ Supercharged Self-Healing/ associates and requires an official teaching certificate from RJ Spina/ Ascend the Frequencies LLC/ associates in order to be taught in public or in private, online or in person, for business or entertainment purposes, for compensation, trade, or otherwise.
I understand the class session recordings, zoom meeting links, all material taught by RJ Spina and my app login information are for my own personal use and are never to be copied, reproduced, rebroadcasted, re-recorded, transcribed, retaught, printed, shared, posted, downloaded, disseminated or distributed/ sold in any way, in whole or in part, in person or online, for trade, compensation or otherwise without the express prior written consent from RJ Spina / Ascend the Frequencies LLC/ Supercharged Self-Healing LLC.
I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above release and agree to be bound thereby. I understand that failure to abide by any of the terms, conditions, or guidelines listed above may warrant my removal from all participation and or legal action. I hereby release any and all claims against any person or organization utilizing this material for educational and entertainment purposes.